Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Something About Monopoly

And collecting two hundred dollars, maybe.

There was something in the news recently about Monopoly turning 85 years old this year. Maybe I should have started a game this summer instead of the umpteenth puzzle of native trees of Uzbekistan or whatever else I procured.

I've seen countless themed Monopoly games over the years, some for specific cities (Paris, London, Munich) and some based on television programs (The Simpsons, Star Wars, Hair: the Musical, and so on). Naturally, I put a Bellairsian spin on things and began to dream up how such a game would appear:
  • Would it name the major roads, like Main, Mansion, High, and Homer?
  • Or would it include specific things in the city, such as the Masonic temple, National Museum of Magic, Civil War monument, or fountain?
  • Maybe the Capharnaum County Magician's Society is one of the utilities?
And then I realize I've come up with Monopoly New Zebedee. Why not Monopoly Hoosac or Monopoly Duston Heights (the trolley could appear on any railroad...)?

Or what would you do?

1 comment:

  1. I would buy those games! The opera house would have to appear in Lewis' version...
