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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Quoth Bellairsia: #FaceInTheFrost

"Ye-es, this is proper Snake Year sherry, it is. I’ve got the right barrel. Snake Year, ye say?"

Roger Bacon - The Face in the Frost

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Quoth Bellairsia: #SecretOfTheUndergroundRoom

"Higgy, has it ever occurred to you that you might be the victim of some lunatic practical joker?"

Roderick Childermass - The Secret of the Underground Room

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Quoth Bellairsia: #HouseWithAClockInItsWalls

"You just keep yer nose on your side of the fence, okay? An’ that goes f’ya fat uncle, too."

Hammerhandle - The House with a Clock in its Walls

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Quoth Bellairsia: #RevengeOfTheWizardsGhost

"The four of clubs! That’s the devil’s bedposts! It’s bad luck!"

Johnny Dixon - The Revenge of the Wizard’s Ghost

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Interview: Derek Piotr

If you’re looking for something to complement your reading why not select some of the sounds of Derek Piotr. He's an experimental musician - really a producer and composer - and recently shared his thoughts on being a life-long fan of John Bellairs’s books.

Quoth Bellairsia: #DarkSecretOfWeatherend

"Question: does the sonorous bus go ____-____?"

The Testament of J.K. Borkman - The Dark Secret of Weatherend