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The Earl of Cork's Enigma

The Figure in the Shadows

1 comment:

Matthew Tinlin said...

This was the very first book I read. I was in the 5th grade. It was early spring time and we went to the library to choose a book to read. I know it was the 5th grade because I know it was 1980, I know that because The Miracle On Ice just happened. That winter in Weymouth, Mass was a good one. We got a lot of snow and it was the first time my parents let me walk to and from my best friends house who lived in another neighborhood. Those walks home under streetlights in the snow covered streets and high snow banks could get scary because when it was snowing or just cloudy, it was very dark.
I saw this books cover and I fell in love with it. The snow and the robed figure in the dark beyond what looked like a street lamp brought back memories of that wonderful winter. Yes, I did say memories. Time moved different back then. Each season was an adventure of learning new things.
I checked out this book and things were never the same. It was the start of my love for reading. I read The Figure In The Shadows and was thrilled to find out there was a first book. I then read The House With A Clock In Its Walls. Loved that too.
My parents were thrilled I was reading. My older brothers would sit in front of the TV all day and it was an annoyance to my Dad. They bought me all 3 books of that series. I did like The Letter, The Witch and The Ring but Lewis was not in it. I should read it again because I don't remember it at all. The other ones Ive read several times as a kid.

Thank you for having this dedication website to Mr. Bellairs. He truly deserves to be remembered.

Matt Tinlin