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Wednesday, April 3, 1996

Monday, January 29, 1996

An Announcement from Brad Strickland

Brad Strickland, writing at the Compleat Bellairs:
The entire run of Bellairs books for younger readers has been optioned by a film production company. It's a long way from optioning to actual production, but the dramatizations will probably come out in the same order as the original books, roughly speaking; although I do suspect that the six Lewis/Rose Rita stories may be the first set, then the Johnny Dixon [series], and then the Anthony Mondays. Keep your fingers crossed that the adaptors won't make these too childish or silly! I'll keep you posted as I learn more. Right now, I don't even know the name of the production company that has optioned the books.

CompleatBellairs: More Brad Strickland Commentary

by Brad Strickland (Jan. 29, 1996)
(Originally published at the compleatbellairs.com)