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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Memoriam: Gary Gygax

Gary Gygax
The father of role-playing games and the co-founder of Dungeons & Dragons, Gary Gygax, has died. Gygax, along with Dave Arneson, created the long-popular fantasy game in 1974 which is estimated to have been played by 20 Million people.

Bellairsia had the privilege to share a brief email with Gygax back in 2001, setting the record straight on how much of The Face in the Frost influenced the creation of D&D.
“I too like Bellairs' writing, and enjoyed The Face in the Frost a lot,” Gygax wrote. “However, long before I read his work I was (and still am) a devotee of Jack Vance's stories. It was Jack Vance in his Dying Earth and Eyes of Overworld that inspired the D&D magic system.”
Gygax was 69 years old.

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