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Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Review: Mansion "Not The Author’s Best Effort, Although True Fans Will Be Forgiving"

Book review: The Mansion in the Mist

Bellairs’ young hero Anthony Monday joins librarian Ms. Eells and her brother, Emerson, for a summer vacation on a remote island in northern Canada. The old cottage where the three stay contains a strange chest that can transport them to a parallel world run by a maniacal group of men intent on controlling the universe. The men have misplaced an object called the Logos Cube; whoever finds it will possess the power to destroy the earth. As usual, the scatterbrained Ms. Eells assists with her excellent research skills, and Anthony save the day with his common sense and intelligence. Unfortunately, the plot unfolds very slowly, over the course of several months and many pages; not until the last three chapters do readers experience the spine-tingling suspense for which Bellairs is noted. Not the author’s best effort, although true fans will be forgiving.

Kay Weisman
Vol. 88, No. 22, August, 1992, p. 2010.

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