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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Library of Congress Celebrates Edward Gorey

First, some souring news --
It seems that the campaign for a 2025 Gorey postage stamp, to be issued on Feb. 22, the centennial of his birth, was unsuccessful. ... In 1979, Gorey purchased an 18th-century sea captain’s home, now the Edward Gorey House...when the museum opens for the season on April 10, its namesake’s 100th birthday will have passed. Likewise, it appears that a documentary by Christopher Seufert, who interviewed and filmed the author in the last five years of his life — Gorey died of a heart attack at age 75 on April 15, 2000 — won’t be finished in time.
However --

Monday, February 3, 2025

Ironton Celebrates a Century of Edward Gorey

Some recent comments (Jan. 15, 2025) about noted author and illustrator Edward Gorey from the Ironton (Ohio) Tribune:

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Happy "Figure in the Shadows" Day

Actually, it's Groundhog Day here in the United States. February 2 is the only day of the year when "figure in the shadows" refers to a rodent named Phil. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, then spring will come early; if it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow, and the winter weather will persist for six more weeks. I wonder if there were groundhogs on the Weatherend estate.