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An Interview With Simon Loxley

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wondering, Wandering Young Adults

A recent post from John Hornor, writing about his:

...unapologetic love for John Bellairs books. Bellairs was really a precursor to all these magical orphan YA novels you see coming out, the Potter books, the Lemony Snicket. Bellairs, to me, established a tone remarkable for its clarity and quirky characters decades before J.K. Rowling cobbled together Hogwarts from the stones of previous fantastic worlds.
He also discusses The Last Apprentice: Revenge of the Witch, also known as
...The Spook's Apprentice (which is the UK title - I don't understand why everybody thinks Americans need the bombastic, Hollywood titles).
We wonder if John's books would need re-titling for any Hollywood adaptation.  Killer House-Clock is but our first attempt and admittedly it sounds very lame.

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