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Friday, September 28, 2012

Edward Gorey, Balletomane

Author Mark Dery is writing a biography of Edward Gorey (news) and is seeking stores about Gorey in relation to his interest in the New York City Ballet.
Although I've read with fascination all of the Gorey-related discussion threads on this board, I did want to invite any members of this community who have a Gorey story to tell---whether you were a member of his intermission circle at the NYCB, a dancer he admired, or just someone who had a passing but memorable encounter with the man---to please consider contacting me..... If you're willing to share them, I'd love to hear your anecdotes and insights.

I've already interviewed former New Yorker dance critic Arlene Croce, choreographer Peter Anastos, and NYCB veterans Edward Villella, Patricia McBride, Daniel Levans, and Michael Vernon. Thus, anyone who decides to share his or her Gorey anecdotes with me will be in good company!

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