It's the ninetieth anniversary of the death of former Marshall librarian and
John's great aunt, Victoria Monk (1869-1925). Victoria’s brother was John
Monk; his daughter, Virginia, was the mother of John Bellairs.
Battle Creek Enquirer
Battle Creek, Michigan
Saturday, Jan. 3, 1925 (p.5)
Marshall Librarian Is Dead; Sick Since June
Miss Victoria Monk Suffered Stroke Of Paralysis in June and Gradually Failed.
Miss Victoria Monk, city librarian of Marshall, died at her apartment in the Miss K. E. Billings home on West Mansion street, at 9 o'clock last night. Death came as a result of a stroke of paralysis suffered last June from which followed a complication of diseases. Miss Monk has been associated with the library in Marshall for 15 years. Since June 12 of last year [1924] until illness recently bound her to her bed she has had complete control of the library. In this work she has always been sympathetic and eager to give of the knowledge she had acquired in long service to the reading public. She is survived by a brother, John Monk of Chicago and three cousins. Frank and Rueben Hawkins of Con-vis township and Frick Hawkins of Battle Creek. Miss Monk was a member of Trinity Episcopl ciiurch where the funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Monday afternoon with sermon by the Rev. R. F. Keichcr. Previous to the church service there will be a prayer service at the home. Burial is in Oak Ridge cemetery.
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