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An Interview With Simon Loxley



  • 17 - John Bellairs turns 40 years old.


  • 1 - The Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn published


  • 31 - Bellairs corresponded with children's librarian (and future author) Francess Lantz at the Dedham (Massachusetts) Public Library about visiting and speaking to children:
    • "Once I talked to 400 children in an auditorium.  I think that is rally too large.  The average group seems to be about fifty kids.  My standard fee is $25, to cover gas, time spent away from work.  I don't think that's terribly high, considering what some of my fellow authors ask. [1]"


  • [1] Correspondence from John Bellairs to Francess Lantz (Oct. 31, 1978).

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