Saint Fidgeta and Other Parodies (annotations)
- A May Hymn
- A Paradigmatic Sunday Sermon
- Abbot of Trocadero
- Abdiel
- Acanthus (ornament)
- Act of Contrition
- Adiposa
- Adriatic Sea
- After Marriage: All Systems GO?
- Aggiornamento
- Alhambra Theater (South Bend, Indiana)
- Allied Invasion of Italy
- Altar server
- Altoona, Pennsylvania
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Revolution
- Amun-Ra
- Andorra
- Angel
- Antipope
- Apotheosis
- Apotheosis of Saint Fidgeta
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Arch (architecture)
- Aretino, Pietro
- Aristotle
- Armbruster, Pennsylvania
- Aston-Martin
- Atropos, Kentucky
- Babylon, Missouri
- Baines, Oregon
- Balbo
- Ballyspitteen, Ireland
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Barbican
- Baroque
- Bee
- Begonia
- Belfast, Ireland
- Belloc, Hilaire
- Bibbiena
- Birth Control
- Bishop of South Saigon
- Blanche of Castile
- Bobbo
- Boboli Gardens
- Bonbon
- Bouche, Gruyere de la
- Bozo Theatre
- Breviarum Defunctorum
- Brothel as Sanctuary, The
- Brown, Contraceptua
- Buckley, Jr., William F.
- Buddha
- Buggog
- Bugloss, Orcus
- Bunty
- Burgerbitz
- Bustard
- Buttress (architecture)
- Byzantine art
- Capri, Italy
- Caravaggio
- Carius
- Catechism
- Catharism
- Cathedral of Saint Gorboduc
- Catholic Action
- Catholic Casting Company
- Catholic University of America
- Catholic Worker
- Censer
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Central Park
- Chain letter
- Chair of Saint Peter
- Chaplet
- Cherub
- Chesterton, G. K.
- Chi Rho
- Chiang Kai-shek
- Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Casting Company
- Chimera
- Church Dormant
- Church of Saint Edwy
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre
- Circus Maximus
- Clapp, Modine
- Claudel, Paul
- Clotilde
- Clottovecchio, Ercolaneo
- Clute
- Coca-Cola
- Commemorative Prayer for a Holy Woman Not a Virgin
- Communion
- Communism
- Communist Manifesto, The
- Comnenus, Isaac
- Compositor
- Coney Island
- Constantinople
- Contraceptua Youthful Anti-Smut League
- Cope
- Cordwain
- Corfu, New York
- Coroda
- Corvo
Council of Trent
- Crapple, Anthony Adverse
- Crocket (architecture)
- Crosier
- Cross (verb)
- Crostaciano
- Crusades
- Cubism
- Cuminseed Press
- Econophanic Heresy
- Ecumenical Council
- Eiger
- Empire State Building
- Equator
- Et Antiquum Documentum
- Euphemism for Heaven and the Afterlife
- Europe
- Ex cathedra
- Excommunication
- Exfoliations from a Blazing Tulip
- Faldstool
- Faldstool, Caxton
- Faldstool, Emily
- Faldstool, Eudoxia
- Faldstool, Voltimand
- Fátima, Our Lady of
- Feast day
Fidgeta and the Problem of the Catholic Artist in an Altogether Too
Secularized Society (book)
- Fidgeta, Saint
- Fidgetaslied und der Deutsche Geist, Das (book)
- Fidgettine apparition
- Fifth Commandment
- Finial (architecture)
- Fiorello, M. (Sister)
- First Friday (devotion)
- First Monday (devotion)
- First Saturday (devotion)
- Fitzgerald, Barry
- Flash Gordon (comic)
- Flavius the Proud
- Floradora A.R.G., M.
- Floradora, Little Order of (Baines, Oregon)
- Floradora, Saint
- Floradora, Shrine of (Ballyspitten, Ireland)
- Floradora: Lines Writ in Lava (book)
Fobbio, Italy
- Fogarty, Iowa
- Foil (architecture)
- Fragonard, Jean-Honoré
- Fragonards Fidgetabild und Romantische Weltschmerz (book)
- Frem, Gertie
- Frère Jacques
- Frère Jacques (song)
- Frognall and Companions Church, Saint
- Frostauger, T. Oates
- Furens, Hercules
- Furze
- Galileo Galilei
- Gambatto, Cardinal
- Ganymede V, Pope
- Garagiola, Sandro di
- Gargan, Professor
- Gasogene Books
- Gaulle, Charles de
- Gauloises
- General Grant style
- Genoa, Italy
- Gertrude-by-the-Tarn
- Gertrude-by-the-Tarn School, Saint
- Goar, Saint
- Gobart, Monsignor
- Golden House of Nero
- Gorboduc, Cathedral of Saint
- Gorboduc, Saint
- Goretti, Maria (Saint)
- Gorgo
- Gormenghast, Thomas O'Hogarty
- Gormless, B. U. (S.J.)
- Goths
- Gozzoli, Benozzo
- Grabney, Father
- Grand Central Schism
- Green stamps
- Greenland
- Gregory of Mopsuestia
- Gregory of Mopsuestia
- Groin
- Groin (magazine)
- Gumpert, Clodian
- Ha-Du-Ku-Ba-Saïd-Na (phrase)
- Hagia Sophia Church (Constantinople) (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Hail Mary (prayer)
- Handbook for Grade School Nuns (book)
- Harg
- Harlem (Manhattan, City of New York, New York)
- Heavenly host
- Heilige - Ja! (article)
- Hibernus
- Hoagy, Ariel (Mrs.)
Holy water
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Horror of 1292
- How Would You Know (article)
- Humpf (word)
- Hus, John
- Husk, Dean
- Hymn
- Icon
- Il Monasterio Segreto (The Turkish Bedstead) (opera)
- Index Librorum Prohibitorum
- Indulgence
- Inquisition
- Instituto Superbo
- Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
- Iron Curtain
- Ishbar
- ius primae usufructus (phrase)
- Jan ter Koot (Dutch mystic)
- Janiculum
- Jesuits
- Jeuna, Sister
- Joan, Pope
Jocus Porphyrias
- Jogues, Isaac
- John XXIII
- Johnson, Lyndon
- Joyce, James
- Justinian, Sister
- Kai-Shek, Chiang
- Keep Your Hands to Yourself (publication)
- Kerymagazine (magazine)
- Khayyam, Omar
- Knights of the White Sepulchre
- Kremlin (Moscow, Russia)
- Lament for St. Floradora (poem)
- Last Gospel (Gospel of John)
Latifundia (O.F.F.), Mother
- Latin
- Legion of Decency
- Lent (liturgical season)
- Leptis Magna
- Letters to an Astigmatic Stigmatic (book)
- Life (magazine)
- Lights, Vigil
- Lintel's Abbey, Saint
- Listening to Architecture (article)
- Litany for a Happy Death (prayer)
- Litany of Saint Fidgeta (prayer)
- Los Angeles, California
- Los Honchos, Spain
- L'Osservatore Romano (publication)
- Louis IX, Saint
- Louis XIV (chair)
- Lourdes, Our Lady of
- Lumber Falls, Colorado
Lüneberg, Germany
- Lust Panty (magazine)
- M., A. (Mrs.)
- Mainz, Germany
- mal de siècle (phrase)
- Manchuria (region)
- Manhattan Island (City of New York, New York)
- Man's Rape (magazine)
- Marian Titles
- Mariner spacecraft
- Maritain, Jacques
- Marx, Karl
- Mass
- Mater Si-Magistra No (phrase)
- Mavra, Sister
- May Hymn, A (song)
- May Procession
- Mencken, Henry
- Mental Reservations and Other Traps (book)
- Merton, Thomas
- Miller, Henry
- Min, Aunt
- Moist Heart, The (book)
- Monks' Bread
- Monophonic Heresy
- Montana Women's College
- Montmartre (Paris, France)
- Mopsuestia
- Mougir, Étienne
- Mount Athos College (Corfu, New York)
- München, Germany
- My Darling Clementine (song)
- Napoleon I of France
- National Catholic Student Synod (NACSTUS)
- Nero
- Nero, Golden House of
- Nestorius
- Nil Inultum Remanebit (phrase)
- Nymphadota, Saint
- Oasthouse
- Oeufs, France
- Ogee
- Ogmus, Saint
- Orb (publication)
Order of Faithful Fidgettines (O.F.F.)
- Oriental Institute (Chicago)
- Ostia, Italy
- Ouija board
- Our Father (prayer)
- Ouvrage, France
- Oza, Sister
- Pan-Am Building (Manhattan, City of New York, New York)
- Papal Swiss Guard
- Papal tiara
- Papella
- Paradigmatic Sunday Sermon, A
- Patmos (Greek Island)
- Patrick’s Cathedral, Saint (Manhattan, City of New York, New York)
- Patriotism Award (Montana Women's College)
- Paul VI, Pope
- Peach
- Peavey Street
- Pedasculus
- Pepsi-Cola
- Peter's Basilica, Saint (Vatican City)
- Phobus IV, Pope
- Pike, James
- Pinsk
- Pisa, Italy
- Pius IX, Pope
- Pius XII, Pope
- Plethora (publication)
- Plinth (publication)
- Plitheroe, Dr.
- Plotch, Father
- Plum
- POAU (organization)
- Pompeii, Italy
- Pontine Marshes
- Pope, Alexander
- Prayer Against Enemies (prayer)
- Prayer for a Holy Woman Not a Virgin, Commemorative (prayer)
- Prayer for Earthquakes (prayer)
- Prayer for Fair Weather (prayer)
- Prayer for Rain (prayer)
- Prayer for Relief from Uneasiness (prayer)
- Prayer for the Speedy Demise of a Bishop (prayer)
- Preiselbeersaft, Oswald
- Principle of Double Intent
- Projected Thoughts of Popes (book)
- Prynne, Nepomuk
- Puccini, Giacomo
- Pudibunda (O.F.F.), Saint
- Pylos, Sandy
- Ragbash
- Ratkissonescu, Bishop
- Ravenna, Georgia
- Reichsmotif, Professor
Religious skepticism
- Renaissance
- Retching-under-Tweed, England
- Rhabdomancy
- Rheims, France
- Rhine River
- Roachburg (city)
- Rome, Italy
- Rood screen
- Roodscreed, Father
- Rosary (prayer)
- Rosary prayer beads
- Rose Bowl (stadium) (Pasadena, California)
- Rubens, Peter Paul
- Rugg, Mrs. Annie
- Rumania
- Runcet, Hamish
- Sacrosticky
- Sago, Mr.
- Saigon, Vietnam
Saint Fidgeta (statue)
- Saint Fidgeta Chastised by Saint Jerome (artwork)
- Saint Fidgeta in Ecstasy (artwork)
- Salome (window)
- Samp, Dr.
- Samson
- Samsonite, I. H.
- San Pietro in Vincoli (Church)
- Sandra's College, Saint (Shoat, Iowa)
- Sansfoy, Purina (Miss)
Santa Fidgeta (church) (Tormento, Italy)
- Sanzio, Raphael
- Scataphorus
- Schema on Holy Madness
- Schema on the Jews
- Schlechty, Professor
- Schotto, Cardinal
Schwiegermutter, Professor
- Scrupularian Heresy
- Seal of Confession
- Sebastian Dying in a Bed of Zinnias, Saint (artwork)
- Secretariat on Saintliness
- Sector of Rheims
- Seinte - Ha! (article)
- Semina's Grade School, Saint (Los Angeles, California)
Sforza, Scintilla
- Shamprey, Elda
- Sheen, Fulton J.
- Sherds (publication)
- Shoat, Iowa
- Short Guide to Catholic Church History, A (book)
- Sick-call kit
- Sims, Arthur (Mr. And Mrs.)
- Sistite Si Bobis Placet (phrase)
- Sluicegate Weirs, England
- Smith, Alfred
- So You Think Chastity is a Joke! (publication)
Some Calm Observations on a Few Lettered Tiles and Old Bones (article)
- Some Puzzling Remnants (book)
- Spanish Steps (Rome, Italy)
- Sparber, Charles Cardinal "Buzzy"
- Spatulus III, Pope
- Spellman, Francis Cardinal
- Spigonari
- Spoleto, Italy
Sporus Being Begged by the Curia Not to Abdicate and Go To Live on Patmos
as a Hermit, Pope (artwork)
- Sporus Debating with Aristotle, Pope (artwork)
Sporus Duelling with the Spirits of Nestorius and John Hus, Pope (artwork)
- Sporus VI, Pope
- Spug, Dalmatia
- Spulci, Posidonio
- Spumanti
- Squab
- Stalin, Joseph
- Strunk, Nebraska
- Studium Monastery (Constantinople)
- Sugar cone
- Summa Contra Omnes (book)
- Sunday Intruder (publication)
- Syllabus of Error (book)
- Syllogism
- Tanqueray, Septa
- Tarcisius, Father
- Tarentum, Pennsylvania
Third Vatican Council (1985)
- Thomas, Saint
- Thomism
- Thurifer, Father
- Tiber River
Tiberius' Leap (Villa Jovis)
Tickety-boo and Tyler Too (word)
- Tiddly-pom (word)
- Time (magazine)
Times Literary Supplement (TLS) (publication)
Times Square (Manhattan, City of New York, New York)
- Tipover, Becky May
- Tissaphernes (emperor)
- Toledo, Ohio
- Topless Bathing Suit and the Bottomless Pit, The (publication)
Tormento, Italy
- Transmigration, Redemptive
- Trenton, New Jersey
- Trocadero, Abbott of
True History of St. Fidgeta, Virgin and Martyr, The
- Tumid Awakening (film)
- Tumpline, Father
- Tumpty-um-tum (word)
- Tweb (word)
- Twilight of the Gonads (book)
- Ud
- Ulfag
- United Nations (Manhattan, City of New York, New York)
- United States Capitol (Washington, D.C.)
- University of Cambridge (Cambridge, England)
- University of the Funicular (Ostia, Italy)
- Uranium
- Ursuline
- Urtext
- Usk, Father
- Vacca, Orduri della
- Vagrant, The (publication)
- Vallombrosa, Italy
- Vatican City
- Vatican Library (Holy See)
- Vatican Museum (Vatican City)
- Venial Sin
- Venus (planet)
- Verona, Italy
- Via Caligula, 68
- Via Pulcinella, 38
- Viet Cong
- Viet Nam
- Villa Pasta
- Vinci, Leonardo da
- Virgin's Girdle
- Wampyir, Father
- Wayne, John
- Weintraub, Mr.
Whip, penitential
- White House (Washington, D.C.)
- White Sepulchre (Armbruster, Pennsylvania)
- Whority and Sons
- Whority, Arthur E.
- Whortleberry
- Widdershins, O.P., Father
- Wisney, Father
- Wolohan, Arthur "Dutch"
- World War II
- Yankee Stadium (The Bronx, City of New York, New York)
- Yaws, synthetic
- Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)