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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Survey: Your Favorite Richard Egielski Artwork in "Letter"

Richard Egielski created 14 full page illustrations for The Letter, the Witch, and the Ring, and, in celebration of its 40th anniversary, we want to know which one is your favorite.
Is it seeing that strange side-of-the-road market where Rose Rita and Mrs. Zimmermann buy gas, the scene were Rose Rita takes Bessie for a drive, or maybe Mrs. Zimmermann standing all aglow in the clearing? Or something else entirely?

Don't be a chicken - pick your favorite from our list below and see how it ranks with other fans!


Randy said...

Great idea for a poll. I almost voted for the party on page 9, since it shows the whole gang together. But I went with Rose Rita being woken up at 2am, because I think it best captures the creepiness of a Bellairs story.

bellairsia said...

Agreed, Randy - that image indeed sets the tone.