- Do you consider the videotapes of those made-for-television programs? We doubt Dial promoted them but did CBS?
- Were there ever posters printed promoting any of the books?
- Perhaps some bookmarks?
The closest we've ever seen is bookmarks appearing to be Penguin's attempt at promoting John Bellairs, One says "Enter the mysterious world of John Bellairs". One we've heard but not seen said something about "Chillers".
Other fans tend to collect items mentioned in the books, like replicas of the Lewis Chessmen or miniature ushabti:
- James Card mentioned once he took the same route as Johnny Dixon did in The Curse of the Blue Figurine, seeing such landmarks as Polly's Pancake Parlor, the trained bear ranch, and the lamented Old Man of the Mountain. Souvenir menus, postcards, and pieces are but a few things one could collect from such a road trip.
- Patrick Cuff shared some of his collection, sharing with us a picture of his badge from the Hoosac Fire Company. It's not quite the same Hoosac fire department helping Anthony Monday down off the roof, but it's close.
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