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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hath Alter'd That Good Picture?

Film news
Occasionally there are comments about great books of children’s literature being made into the latest Hollywood craze (or perhaps even some sort of cult-appreciated visual piece). Collected here are some thoughts on the adapting of The House with a Clock in its Walls (1973) into something for the big screen. It’s something that’s been discussed for ages – even as far back when the CompleatBellairs was new – and while it would be a great way for the book to get exposure, we tend to agree with those that say it needs to be done right.  We all saw Once Upon a Midnight Dreary.
The Between Failures blog has heard rumors of an upcoming movie adaptation of House and shares some concerns about converting Bellairs’ prose into a feature film:
I was thrilled at first.  I loved John Bellairs books as a kid.  The more I thought on it though the more doubt crept into my mind.  That book was written at a time when children were allowed to experience fear.  What would a modern film company do to such a book?  More horrifying things than anything the writer conjured up I’m sure.  I may well have to endure the agonizing experience of watching a beloved book go down in film flames again…  It’s almost too horrible to contemplate.
But then the Media Macaroni blog would like to see House as done by the Coen Brothers. You know - for kids.  Stargazingfool’s commentary on such a thing is the complete other side of the coin. They say don’t:
I just know that I can't be the only person who doesn't like it when my favorite books are turned into movies. I love reading, and I do have some favorite movies, but it just seems like it takes all of the imagination out of my favorite books to see them as movies.

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