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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Some of This Year's Book-to-Movie Adaptations

Amy Durant writes in the Watertown (NY) Daily Times of the various books being adapted for the screen this year, of which she's counted 15.  Titles include Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Shirley Jackson's We Have Always Lived in the Castle and The Haunting of Hill House (as Durnt points out, no "The Lottery"), and the classic A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle.  Oh, and one this site and its fans are keenly aware of:
[The House with a Clock in its Walls] terrified me when I was young (it had illustrations by Edward Gorey, which made it all the scarier) yet I loved it so much, and I was excited to see it’s being turned into a movie — until I saw that Eli Roth (of torture-porn horror movie fame) is directing and Jack Black is starring. All I can imagine is a mashup of “Goosebumps” and “Hostel” and the result gives me the wrong kind of shivers. Release date is September 21, but I might give this one a pass and watch it at home where I can curse freely at the screen.

We're a mere 249 days away from the September 21 debut...what's your take?


Unknown said...

A good director can edit himself. I hate Roth's films for their content, but he's not untalented and surely has to aiming this at the right audience and would tone things down accordingly. I doubt the leads would sign onto this film if he told them he was going as close to an R rating as he could.

Unknown said...

I am so looking forward to this film. I am a fan of John Bellairs and I hope too that Roth will leave us with the same feeling after the movie as the book does. I'm from Marshall and I had hoped so much that Roth would have chosen to use, at least the outside of the home Bellairs picked for Johnathon to live in. John Bellairs used to walk the streets of Marshall and look at all the old home and let his mind wonder. My grandchildren have listened to "A House with a Clock it's Walls." They loved it and couldn't wait for the next CD to be put in. We are all very excited for this film and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

~Robbyn Coulon

Unknown said...

I am so looking forward to this film. I am a fan of John Bellairs and I hope too that Roth will leave us with the same feeling after the movie as the book does. I'm from Marshall and I had hoped so much that Roth would have chosen to use, at least the outside of the home Bellairs picked for Johnathon to live in. John Bellairs used to walk the streets of Marshall and look at all the old home and let his mind wonder. My grandchildren have listened to "A House with a Clock it's Walls." They loved it and couldn't wait for the next CD to be put in. We are all very excited for this film and I hope it doesn't disappoint.