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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Something About...well, Bellairsia

Twenty vision.

I’m giving a brief celebratory word about this website’s twentieth anniversary today. One thing I always find funny is the site’s description of where the name Bellairsia came from:
This proposed name was meant to be temporary because we were sure something better-sounding would come along. All these years later, we’re still calling it Bellairsia. We think it fits -- and we don't want to change the URL.
So, what other names did you attempt to use? At least you stopped calling it The Dullard’s Bane. Here is the list you didn't ask for of other suffixes you could have added to the end of the author’s surname.  You know, so people don't assume the site represents Bellairs, Iowa.
  • Bellairsmania
  • Bellairsphile
  • Bellairseum
  • Bellairsarious
  • Bellairsery
  • Bellairsiful
  • Bellairsography
  • Books by the John
Ugh. Those look worse - and sound worse, too. How do you say Bellairsia? When I say it aloud, it sounds like I'm quoting the name of some sort of disease or a village near the Rhine.

 At any rate, happy birthday.  You don't look a day over GeoCities-years-old.


Jean said...

Happy anniversary! Now I want chocolate-chip ice cream.

Last night I watched a delightful video from the British Museum about the Lewis Chessmen (narrated by a curator who looks exactly like a British Museum curator if it was 1915). He mentions a movie about a boy with glasses that features the Lewis chessmen, and I honestly sat there going "What? Nobody ever made a movie of the Chessmen of Doom, did they?" until the actual movie became too obvious to miss. It's at https://youtu.be/oZBXTy5KK3I if you want to see it and pretend that it's about Johnny Dixon.

Broteus Mitchell said...

I’m terribly afraid to say I want ice cream as well, but it’s been below freezing at Bellairsia HQ all week so it likely will not happen. I will thank you and pass along the celebratory comments during their thaw.

Yes, we’ve mentioned Irving Finkel on the blog before (https://bellairsia.blogspot.com/search?q=Finkel) though I see it’s been a while. Might be time to correct that.

Also, if you squint just right it’s Johnny, Fergie, Sarah, and Professor Childermass. That, or I need to thaw, too.


bellairsia said...

Thank you.

Anything beats snow cones.