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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cuffs In The Question

A few years ago, during a redesign of the Bellairsia website, we thought it would be fun to add some sort of interactivity in to the mix. You know, for kids: games or puzzles or the like.
None of our ideas evolved much out of the brainstorming phase but we did put together some nifty (if cheesy) book quizzes we were mildly proud of. But after all that we still couldn’t find the right coding to get it on the site proper - so we lost interest and the questions sat in the vast Bellairsia archives. Until now.

A few weeks ago we added our quizzes to Goodreads; in the weeks ahead we may finally get around to emptying out more of the archives to get the rest of them online. Or not. Whatever.

They’re not the sort of thing the Guardian of the Sunken Palace in subterranean Constantinople would ask but they are a respectable set of ten questions on two of John's popular titles. Anyone else up to the challenge to create some quizzes, too?

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