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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Something About an Ancient Roman Stylus

Post scriptum.

Thank you notes!  You'll recall yesterday how I said I should try something new.  Her suggestion?  Thank you notes!  To whom and why, I don't know.  That I should spend a moment and thank individuals for who knows what is acceptable and good, but I haven't seen many people in recent weeks (or months), and the few people I have encountered noticeably shrink away from me when I approach.  So, thank you for running away from me?

This reminds me.  I did find an article about an archeological dig a decade ago, uncovering some 14,000 artifacts --

including this exciting find! This stylus or pen’s inscription was exceptionally difficult to read, partly due to corrosion, and is only legible due to the work done by conservators.

Brittany Britanniae notes on the Latin Language blog how she broke down the translation:

‘ab urbe v[e]n[i] munus tibi gratum adf(e)ro
acul[eat]um ut habe[a]s memor[ia]m nostra(m)
rogo si fortuna dar[e]t quo possem
largius ut longa via ceu sacculus est (v)acuus’

I'll let you click and read one complete translation and then a shortened, more to the (ahem) point version.

Here's another translation.  Maybe I can use this in these silly thank-you notes?

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