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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Book Alert: Magic Mirrors

Magic Mirrors
, the new John Bellairs omnibus, is now available for purchase from the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA). Want a copy of The Face in the Frost with Marilyn Fitschen’s original artwork? Want to relive the adventures of The Pedant and the Shuffly? Want to finally see St. Fidgeta back in print after all these years?

That’s all possible with Magic Mirrors. Surely the biggest draw will be the unfinished book fragment called The Dolphin Cross, Bellairs’s attempt at a sequel to The Face in the Frost with wizards Prospero and Roger Bacon.

We haven’t read anything new by John in almost 20 years so this is going to be quite an experience for us and those who combed over the Bantam paperbacks during the 1980s and fidgeted with excitement at the tantalizing reminder at the end of each book:

A resident of Haverhill, Massachusetts, Mr. Bellairs is currently working on another chilling tale.

1 comment:

b said...

What great news, and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!! Do you know if there are plans to release at any point as a paperback?