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Thursday, September 20, 2018

#HouseWithAClock Film Reviews (IV)

Film reviews: The House with a Clock in it Walls

This screen version of a celebrated 1973 book by John Bellairs doesn’t have the sophistication of an adaptation like “Hugo,” but no film in which Cate Blanchett head-butts a vivified jack-o’-lantern could be entirely without merit.

Ben Kenigsberg
"The House with a Clock in the Walls" excises most of the ghostly encounters that occur after Lewis raises the dead, including a car pursuit that may be the scariest section in the book, and cuts straight to the hectic confrontation. The ramp-up of increased effects and Jack Black improvisations spills over into a retina-searing spectacle of flying CGI pumpkins, armies of mechanized dolls, and Mrs. Zimmerman zapping beasties with her purple umbrella laser blaster. Considered generously, this is Roth, a low-budget filmmaker, given the keys to the kingdom and taking the fullest possible advantage. But more likely, this is simply his idea of what attention-addled kids might like.

What's lost in this adaptation are more insinuating horror or the notion of magic as a craft that takes constant discipline and refinement to control. In a word, atmosphere. The short-term excitement of jump-scares and readily accessible spells are a poor trade-off for the steadily deepening mysteries and fears that have made Bellairs' book such an enduring classic. Bellairs and Gorey conjured images meant to play on the imagination forever. Roth's film will barely survive the ride home.

Scott Tobias

...it feels like [Roth] watched every single children's fantasy ever made, picked the parts he liked best and plonked them into a boiling cauldron. The end result is, well, a better-than-average Harry Potter wannabe -- which, in the end, might just be enough for kids.

The clocks are many in this household. Lewis starts to notice strange, magical occurrences. A painting of a boat bobs on moving waves. Playing cards change numbers so he wins at poker. The well-worn armchair wasn't in that spot before. Oh, and there's that weird room filled with every freaky doll you can think of.

There are moments that will probably scare kids, though Roth is constantly dialing those back to stay in child-friendly territory. Aside from a demon that looks particularly hairy, the film is mostly made up of scares of the pee-your-pants variety.

There's also a distinct lack of style or place, elements that make "It" and "Stranger Things" stand out.

Just like Mrs. Zimmerman's cookies, "The House with a Clock in Its Walls" is sweet and filled with nuts -- and as she says, "It's the nuts that make things interesting." If only there was a special ingredient to give this tale a unique flavor. But it does get a gold star for sympathetic unconventional heroes. And that just might be enough for parents, too.

Jennifer Bisset

Adapted from John Bellairs’ 1973 YA mystery fantasia, "The House with a Clock in Its Walls" is like a mash-up of Harry Potter, The Addams Family, and the Goosebumps saga, but busier, noisier, and more exhausting. It’s mostly giddy, ghouly fun — even if you walk away with the impression that it might have made a slightly better Universal Theme Park attraction than a film.

Chris Nashawaty
Entertainment Weekly

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