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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Something About Extended Library Fines

Ex library.

Librarian Joe Burke shared some thought recently about finding LPs in the library dropbox and the concept of library fines at the Altamont Library. He then reveals his own contribution to removing books from the library for an extended period:
Here’s a story about me: I remember being about 11 years old and finding out that my favorite author at the time, John Bellairs, had died. Fearing for some reason that his books would be removed from the library now that he was dead, I checked one of my favorites out from the library and kept it.

 knew I had done something wrong, and I was scared that the children’s librarian at my Huntington Public Library would be mad at me, so I stopped checking books out for a long time. Like, years.

I never stopped going to the library, because it still was my favorite place in the world, but I did stop going to the children’s section on the second floor, preferring to hang out in the adult section where I felt that I wouldn’t be judged.

1 comment:

Russ said...

That sounds just like the reasoning you hear from a John Bellairs character. That they would remove an author's books just because he died. Of course there are no books by dead author's in the library. You never see any Mark Twain books and who ever heard of William Shakespeare's books being in a library? Wait a minute, I think I have seen both author's books in the library. And they have been dead for some years now. Sadly they do remove books if they have not been checked out in several years, to make room for new books.