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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Something About COBE

Circuses of babies expectorating.

I figured we're run out the year with a question from the archives, namely the obscure COBE abbreviation shown on the copyright page of some Dial hardcover editions.

We're lucky to have people who are both book collectors as well as Bellairs fans and it's something they've wondered about, too. Russ Bernard doubts it would have been put on the copyright page if it did not mean something to someone:
"The problem with finding the meaning to many publishers codes is that they have either changed hands or have gone out of business. I have tried to research codes used by other publishers and have almost always run into a wall. I could take a guess and say that perhaps it means Something, Something, Book, Edition, and could have something to do with who was in charge of the division or the line of books. But that is only a guess. Maybe it meant something to someone who was a teacher, or new bookseller."
Collector and seller Laura Dean didn't know either, but noted it seemed particular to Dial Books for Young Readers since an online search brought up nothing useful, just more Dial listings.

Any theories - or better yet, does anyone actually know the meaning of COBE?

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