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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Saint Michael’s Fundraising Event This Weekend! Five Fab Finds!

Saint Michael’s Parish will host a fundraising rummage sale this Saturday, April 3, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Father Kahl Liberius says he expects a great turnout, insofar the weather cooperates, because parishioners have cleaned out the deepest, dankest corners of the church basement and scoured the building from altar to vestry all in the name of Saint Zita, patroness of housekeepers (“and this weekend, spring cleaning,” adds lay leader Wayne Spiggot).

All money raised stays with the church to help with operating costs and summer youth activities.  The church invites everyone from the community to come to the church and checkout some of the amazing items on sale, both donated by members of the congregation and those found in the church basement.  What great finds did parishioners find?  Here are five guaranteed to be popular!

#1. In ecstasy's season cycle, say the bells of Saint Michael's.  Well, not this bell!  One of the members of the original late-1800s carillon fell off the wagon and has not been appealing since.  What better time to send it on its way!

#2. Vinyl records are trendy again, just as old stained glass windows!  Here’s a pane from the old rectory someone broke decades ago.  It’s not getting any younger and not getting any sunlight in the basement.  Hurry!

#3. It’s not as if we employed a baker responsible for carrying sweets and goodies – or even hosts - down a flight of stairs of anything.  Still, someone dropped this paten and it’s likely broken beyond repair.  Anyone interested in giving it a new home?  (Father Liberius will bless upon request.)

#4. Here’s a long, red cassock, possibly dating back to the 1950s.  A faded tag with the word “prine” was found in the pocket.  It could likely be used in summer stock theatre or for a Halloween costume.  Spiffy!

. Nothing more than an old container of 1970s-era Sacrosticky, a glue used to repair religious statues and made from Lourdes water, so we've read.  Move along, move along.

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