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Saturday, April 17, 2021

Something About Johnny Dixon Collapsing

Frankly speaking.

On a Saturday afternoon early in April, Johnny Dixon and his friend, Fergie, took a hike around the chain of ponds at the eastern end of Duston Heights. In previous months, Johnny had been possessed by the Windrows, but now he was recovering nicely. Yet when he collapses in the park, as documented in The Revenge of the Wizard’s Ghost (1985), it sends his friends scrambling to figure out once and for all a cure.

Apparently. in a cut scene, Fergie jotted down his thoughts in his diary of the day's events:

Johnny Dixon has collapsed!
We were hiking along and suddenly
the sun started setting and glowing
and you said you couldn't see it
Because there was dusk in your eyes.
All this joking and laughing
and I was in such a hurry to get home,
To get around these ponds
of rippling water
And suddenly I hear the noise
There is no snow in Duston Heights
There is no snow in Massachusetts
We have been to these trails many times
and I know you felt dizzy, walking
today but not as you have before
oh Johnny we need you to get up

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