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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Something About Fourth Grade Inspirations

Tale of a fourth grade someone!

You’ve likely never heard of the Auglaize County Historical Society – much less Auglaize County or its county seat Wapakoneta, Ohio, or the county’s clay water. However the historical society welcomed Frank Quinn, the Director of Preservation for Heritage Ohio, earlier this year for a talk. At the time this biographical sketch was provided:

Quinn provides program support for Heritage Ohio’s preservation initiatives, including the easement program, and Save Ohio’s Treasures. Frank serves on the Ohio Historic Sites Preservation Advisory Board and on the Ohio National Road Association board. He previously served as Main Street manager in Marshall, Michigan, and was community preservation specialist with Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana. Quinn didn’t know it at the time but he was destined to become a preservationist after reading The House with a Clock in its Walls in fourth grade.

Who else can claim a book forged their career?

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