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Monday, November 30, 2020

Something About Towering Imagery

Mind the prose.

People – be them fans or strangers (or strange fans) – often forward the Bellairsia crew their thoughts and theories on various Bellairsian endeavours. Seldom do they receive poetry or prose but someone sent along something from the shared Inkblot blog sharing its name with Brad Strickland’s The Tower at the End of the World. An author known as The Wanderer penned this piece a decade ago and it strangely resonates:
Meet me at the Tower at the End of the World,
Said the girl, the Girl in his vision. Faint as she was now,
He saw her smiling, as she always did in dazzling swirls:
Ah, whimsical wandering wayfarer, come undone
This force cannot; your Journey, it has just begun.
It doesn't quite fit the plot of Strickland's book but what can you do?  Plus I love the comment:
it's like an opening poem to a murder mystery.

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