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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Something About Dixon Reading Barnavelt

Fictional fan fiction?

Someone pointed out this passage to us years ago and I rediscovered it in the archives recently. I thought I’d reintroduce the hypothesis to stir the senses. This is a passage from The Curse of the Blue Figurine:
Did Mr. Beard know that the ring was magic? That was another large question in Johnny's mind. If he did know, that meant that he was evil, that he had conned Johnny into taking the ring. For his own peace of mind Johnny wanted to think that Mr. Beard was a nice guy, that he hadn't known anything about the awful powers that lay hidden in the ring. Somewhere Johnny had read a story about a magic amulet that hadn't seemed magic until somebody said a secret prayer over it. Maybe this was what had happened. 
Does that bold text sound familiar? I can't speak for young Mr Dixon but the "somewhere" some Barnavelt fans may think of is The Figure in the Shadows. Make of that what you will. Thoughts?

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