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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Something About #EdwardGorey and Cheesy Prose

It too stands alone!

The illustrations Edward Gorey created for the Bellairs Corpus are straight forward.  There are no doubtful guests, wuggly umps, or bahhumbug roaming around to cause excess questions.  But leaving readers with more questions than answers is usually what Gorey is pretty good at.  Take what blogger Docnad posted about this mysterious Gorey image of...eh...a writer standing in the middle of a...well, wheel of cheese.
We are told that it may have been published in the New York Times. It is at once atmospheric and absurd. What exactly is going on? Is this meant to illustrate a meditation on the preposterous difficulty of writing about cheese, a challenge akin to the more well-known task of writing discerningly about wine? Is it about ready-made snacking during the creative process? Surely it cannot be, as my attention-grabbing title glibly suggests, about writing "cheesy" prose.

It's been five years since this drawing was auctioned at Illustration House and possibly we may never know what it's all about. But it's also possible that someone reading this will recognize the piece and step forward to solve the whole mystery.

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